Reunion Script

Honoring those who served!

Final Remembrance

We are taking this time to pay a lasting tribute of respect to our 2018 departed brothers.  When the call of our country was heard, they answered; self was forgotten in the cause of the greater good.  As brave men they marched away with the abiding faith in their God, their Country, and their Flag.

Will you bow your heads as we will invoke God's divine blessing. O’ God, Father of us all, we are here to extend these final earthly tributes to our beloved brothers.  Accept our prayers in behalf of the souls of Your departed servant(s).  Welcome them into Your House to rest in peace.  Look with mercy upon the loved ones saddened by their passing.   Comfort and console them through your tenderness.  These things we humbly ask in Your Name.  Amen

 As the years roll on, we too will have finished our fight; and will be laid to rest, and our souls follow that long column to the realms above.  Let us so live that when the Keeper of the Eternal Records shall have called our name for the last time, those we leave behind may say of us, as we say now of these brothers,  They were indeed true hearted comrades and a fearless defenders of their Country and their Flag.

January — Hospital corpsMan 3 Donald Hastings 1953 — 1954

April — Culinary Specialist 3 Arron Caywood 1959 — 1960

September — RadioMan 1 Roe Karstetter 1953 — 1954